Inviting a Company to Join GoBoost

How to Invite a Company to Join GoBoost

Only Organization Editors can invite companies to join the GoBoost Platform. Organization users are generally Territory Managers. With that being said, if you are a Territory Manager and want to invite a company to join a program under GoBoost, follow these steps:

Log into the GoBoost platform to get started. If you are not sure how to log in, follow these steps first.

Once you’re logged in, click on the Navigation Menu in the top left-hand corner of your screen.


Under the Menu, select “Companies”


Once you’re on the “Companies” page, you can invite a company to join GoBoost by clicking on the
“Invite a Company” icon.


In the box that appears, type in the invitee’s email address, and then select the organization they will be associated with (yours, most likely). The sign up code will match the associated organization. They can then refer to their email and use the link there to sign up!



Reach out to or +1 (833) 700-5001 and we will be happy to help. 

We can also help you from the chat button in the upper right corner when you are logged in the platform at